
Pet Leptospirosis

Learn more about pet leptospirosis below.


Pet Leptospirosis in Surry Hills NSW

If you live in the area, there is no doubt you have heard of and seen the signs at the local parks warning of Leptospirosis being in the area.

Leptospirosis (Lepto for short) is a bacterial infection that is primarily spread by rodents via their urine. Lepto can be fatal if left untreated and is something that we can catch from infected animals. So if your dog becomes infected, you could also become infected. Infection can happen when your dog comes into contact with infected water that is ingested or passes across membranes such as small cuts or wounds. We have even had dogs that have come in after they have eaten a deceased rodent at the local park!

Stagnant water such as puddles, ponds, and parks with poor drainage all pose a risk, as well as direct contact with rodents means that both city and country dogs are all at risk.

Unfortunately, Lepto initially presents with very generic illness symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Making it difficult to diagnose in the early stages.

Later stages of the illness present as Jaundice (yellowing of the skin, eyes, and gums) and causing damage to the liver and kidneys which can be irreversible, and often fatal.

Vaccination is so important to reduce the risk, especially if you live in an area that has had cases of Lepto.

Vaccination is an easy process, and the team can answer any questions that you have regarding Lepto and the vaccination. Vaccination initially is a course of 2 vaccines 2 – 4 weeks apart and then an annual booster to keep immunity up.

As mentioned before, Lepto is something that you can also catch from your pet if they become infected, so the vaccination protects not only your dog but you and your family too.

We can vaccinate from 6 weeks, but usually recommend that we vaccinate at your puppy’s 2nd vaccine (8 – 10 weeks) and again at their final vaccine (12 – 14 weeks). The annual booster can then be incorporated with their annual core vaccines each year.